martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

A Song from the Past: Corazones rojos

I heard many kind of music, and when I’m boring of one type of it, I looking for other style until I’m boring that style, and looking for other again. I remembered when I was around six, I listened only chilean music; Petinellis, Los Tres, Los Jaivas, Los Prisioneros, etc. One of my first Cd’s was “Corazones Rojos” by Los Prisioneros, I loved all compact disc, and I used it for many activities; homeworks, for play be a rockstar, and for sleep. I play the Cd all night and the morning still play.  With my brother, I knew every lyrics of thats songs, Tren al Sur, Amiga Mia, Corazones Rojos, Estrechez de Corazon, Noche en la ciudad, etc. I didn´t boring of that Cd for a year, and later I started to listen other band and singers. But I saved my Cd for many time, and finally a lost when I moved to other neighborhood. I don´t listen that Cd and Los Prisioneros  since then, maybe I could listen it again. An interestings and curious thing is that a my family´s friend design the cover of that disc, and the style of the all compact disc, just I don´t knew until after years.

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