lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011

Favourite beach

I’m not a big fan of the beach, especially in summer; I prefer pools and other activities, but I like a good beach quietly and empty in winter.
When I go to the Punta de Tralca’s beach, I usually go to rest and de-stress, I sleep all day about 14 hours every day, and enjoy a hike in the night and run along of the beach in the morning. These stuffs are very comfortable to me. In fact are the only activities what I like to do when I go to beach, just in a couple times I go to swim in the sea.
I go there once each two years, but I don’t go since 2007. When I go to the beach, I go just in winter and just for couples of weeks, occasionally a month.
Is funny because I always go with different people; with my brothers and parents, with my cousins, with friends, uncles, etcetera. But I never went there alone, because somebody has to cook to me and make house’s stuffs when I am sleeping.
For route 68 direction Valparaiso, when you past Algarrobo you turn left to El Quisco, past this beach and then you see a sign what indicate the entrance to Punta de Tralca.
I like this beach because is so quiet and empty when I go in the winter. I can rest of any trouble and I disconnect myself of the world.
Is a good spend of time in vacation for me.

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